By using the “” website managed by Ayşe Hanım Konağı Hotel, our and third-party cookies can access your IP addresses and enable our functionality and improve your online experience, increasing the quality of advertising and service we offer you and tailoring it to your preferences. You agree that we may use cookies and other tracking technologies. Below, you can find out what cookies are, how we use them and more information, and update and change your preferences for cookies.


The service of storing your access preferences, IP address and session information in small files on the browser in order to provide you with a better internet service when you use the website from your computer or mobile device is called a ‘cookie’. Cookies help us serve you better by enabling a website owner to distinguish activities performed on your device from other website users.


As Ayşe Hanım Konağı Hotel, we use different types of cookies for different purposes on our website. First-party cookies are cookies set by Ayşe Hanım Konagi Hotel on our website, and third-party cookies are set by third-party platforms. In order to enlighten you, you can find more detailed explanations of the types of cookies we use, categorized according to the purpose, name and duration they serve.

In terms of time,

• Session cookies: Session cookies are used in each session where the website or other applications or environments of Ayşe Hanım Konağı Hotel are visited, and are automatically deleted when leaving the website or application. The purpose of such cookies is to ensure the continuity and security of the visit and they only remain throughout your session.

• Persistent cookies: Persistent cookies are saved on the computer or other devices used by the user during access for a predetermined fixed period and are not automatically deleted when the session or application is closed, and they remain for a certain period of time after your visit. Persistent cookies are used when we need to remember who you are over multiple sessions. The purpose of such cookies is to increase the functionality of the website by providing a faster and better service to the visitors.

In terms of area,

• Performance Cookies; They are cookies that collect information about the frequency of visiting the pages, possible error messages, the total time users spend on the relevant page, as well as site usage patterns, and are used to increase the performance of the website.

• Functional Cookies; They are cookies that provide reminders of previously made options by targeting user convenience.

• Third Party Cookies; Cookies placed by third-party suppliers/service providers other than the website operator, enable the use of some functions on the website and tracking advertisements.

In terms of usage purposes;

• Uses for security purposes: It is the use of cookies for the purpose of ensuring the administration and security of website operations and systems of data responsibility, enabling the use of website functions or detecting irregular behavior.

• Functionality-oriented uses: It is the use of cookies that remind users’ information and past choices by providing ease of use for the purpose of carrying out activities for customer satisfaction. These cookies, which are used to recognize you when you return to our website, allow us to personalize our content for you, to address you by name, to provide your details if registered, to remember your preferences such as language, and to inform us on your behalf so that we can get back to you when you do not complete a reservation.

• Performance-oriented uses: As a data controller, it may use cookies that evaluate data such as the number of visitors and their movements, and other user interactions and behaviors, for the purpose of conducting business activities, increasing performance and auditing, and marketing/analysis studies.

• Uses for advertising purposes: It may use cookies that analyze the effectiveness of these advertisements or the number of clicks, in order to transmit advertisements and similar content within the scope of the interests of the users over their own or third-party systems. The information obtained from these cookies can be shared with third parties in order to make our advertisements more relevant to you.

Cookies used by Ayşe Hanım Konagi Hotel;

• Does not harm your computer, does not contain viruses.

• It is mandatory to use the website interface and features as desired.

• By enabling us to understand how the website is used by visitors, it helps us to gather statistical data and develop content in line with this data.

• It allows you to speed up the activities during your future visits.

• Under no circumstances do we collect, store and process data that we can identify, and does not qualify as personal data.

In the light of the information on the types of cookies described above, you can find the cookies used by Ayşe Hanım Konagi Hotel and the purpose of use of the cookie in the table below.

Category: Required (1)

Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions such as browsing and secure access to website pages. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.

Çerez Adı



Sona Erdiği Tarih




First Found URL:


Çerez Açıklaması:

Sayfa istekleri boyunca kullanıcı oturum durumunu korur.

Category: Statistics (3)

Statistics cookies help website owners understand how visitors interact with their website through collection and reporting, with the anonymous information they collect.


Çerez Adı



Sona Erdiği Tarih



2 Yıl

First Found URL:


Çerez Açıklaması:

Ziyaretçinin web sitesini nasıl kullandığına dair istatistiksel veriler üretmek için kullanılan benzersiz bir kimliği kaydeder.



Çerez Adı



Sona Erdiği Tarih



1 Gün

First Found URL:


Çerez Açıklaması:

Google Analytics tarafından istek oranını düşürmek için kullanılır


Çerez Adı



Sona Erdiği Tarih



1 Gün

First Found URL:


Çerez Açıklaması:

Ziyaretçinin web sitesini nasıl kullandığı hakkında istatistiksel veriler üretmek için kullanılan benzersiz bir kimlik kaydı yapar.

Category: Marketing (1)

Marketing cookies are used to track visitors to websites. Purpose is more valuable to publishers and third-party advertisers by showing ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user

Çerez Adı



Sona Erdiği Tarih




First Found URL:


Çerez Açıklaması:

Google Ads tarafından kullanıldığında, ziyaretçilerin web sitelerindeki çevrimiçi davranışına dayanarak müşterilere dönüşmesi muhtemel ziyaretçileri mağazaya bağlayın.


Changing your preferences for the use of cookies will be possible by changing your browser settings to block or delete cookies. In order for you to control cookies, your browser will provide you with options to accept or reject cookies, or to only accept certain types of cookies. In addition, you can choose the option to be warned by the browser when a cookie is requested by any website to store a cookie on your device that you have logged into the login website. In addition, it is possible to delete cookies previously saved in your browser without specifying or changing your preferences. The process of controlling or deleting cookies may vary depending on the browser you use. The method of changing the cookie usage selection varies depending on the browser type and can be learned from the relevant service provider at any time. As a matter of fact, as Ayşe Hanım Konağı Hotel, we offer you the opportunity to access the instructions for allowing, blocking or deleting cookies of your preferred browsers from the links below.